Search Results
Entropy in core-collapse of a slowly-rotating massive star
Entropy in core-collapse of a rapidly-rotating massive star
Density in core-collapse of a slowly-rotating massive star
Petascale Simulation of Magnetorotational Core-Collapse Supernovae
Density in core-collapse of a rapidly-rotating massive star
Volume Rendering of a 3D Core-Collapse Supernova Simulation
Adam Burrows - “The Emerging Detailed Theory of Core Collapse Supernova Explosions”
Electron fraction in core-collapse of a rapidly-rotating massive star
2D early development of the explosion of the core of a massive star
3D supernova light bulb model Entropy Z axis view
Electron fraction in core-collapse of a rapidly-rotating massive star (xz)
MHD Jets From PNS In A Core Collapse Supernova